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Students Share Stories of Strength

Students Share Stories of Strength photo thumbnail120981
The speech-language department at Sachem High School North recently hosted an inspiring celebration in honor of disability awareness that showcased the courageousness of 12 incredible students.

For more than 15 years, students from the speech-language program have delivered heartwarming speeches outlining the struggles they have faced throughout their lives. 

In front of an audience of parents, faculty and fellow students, the speakers shared inspirational messages about how they overcame adversity to reach their goals both academically and in other aspects of their lives.  

“Your disabilities do not define who you are. It is only you who defines you,” senior Christina Aurisano said. “Other people perceive you; they do not define you.” 

The student presenters concluded their speeches by sharing their plans for the future and some hopeful words of encouragement for their peers who may also face adversity.