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County Legislator Recognizes Robotics Efforts

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Suffolk County Legislator Leslie Kennedy visited the Sachem Robotics Team to recognize its community project work. The team recently initiated a program where they collect robotics parts from school across Long Island to donate to less fortunate teams in the New York City area. Legislator Kennedy assisted in coordinating transportation for the parts that are collected in Sachem.

The legislator visited the team at their Nov. 6 meeting to learn more about the donation program, check out the robot and tour the robotics room at High School North, where the team works out of. Legislator Kennedy presented the team’s advisors, Mr. Wentzel, Mr. Cifuni, Mr. Byrne and Mr. Tripi with proclamations for all of the hard work they have put into the Sachem robotics program.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 11/15/2023