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Students Go On-Air with Driver Safety PSA

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Students in Mr. Patten’s broadcast journalism class at Sachem High School East created a public service announcement for the Town of Brookhaven’s Teen Driver Safety Program. The student-made PSA aired on WSHR, Sachem’s radio station which broadcasts out of both high schools.

Students collaborated to create an attention-grabbing script about the Teen Driver Safety Program, which took place on Oct. 19. It faced parents with a scenario about their children on the road, then provided information about the Town of Brookhaven program. After finalizing the script, students headed into the studio at High School East where the final product was recorded.

The PSA project connected students with the Town of Brookhaven to help publicize an important event that affects their peers, while also giving them real-life broadcast journalism experience. They were excited to hear their PSA over the Sachem air waves.

Click here to listen to the PSA

Date Added: 10/25/2023