Cayuga Elementary School students are hitting the lanes during the bowling unit in physical education classes. Each grade level has been practicing their bowling skills and scorekeeping during class. During the final weeks of the unit, the Cayuga gymnasium turns into “disco bowling” lanes – complete with lights, music and neon accessories.
“We have two weeks that the lights stay on, we get them used to their jobs in their lanes, their rotation and scoring,” said physical education teacher Amanda Stallone. “As soon as the lights turn off, we make it a big countdown and the music comes on. Their reaction makes it all worth it.”
For the first time this year, teachers at Cayuga used PVC pipes to construct the ball returns.
“I’ve been to a lot of conferences for physical education in New York State and this has been a theme for a long time, and we wanted to bring it here,” Stallone said. “We’re the first ones that thought of the ball returners for the bowling lane, so it makes it a little bit more real.”
At the end of the unit, students offered feedback of how to improve the disco bowling experience in the future.
“Every year it gets bigger and better. More lights, more neon stuff. We do this for our fun, and the kids’ fun too,” Stallone said.
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Date Added: 4/8/2024