Sachem students at Lynwood Avenue and Merrimac elementary schools witnessed the domino effect of kindness firsthand. Throughout February, both buildings held cereal box collection drives. At Lynwood Avenue Elementary School, staff lined the 812 collected boxes up in the gym as a maze. Teachers knocked the first box down, and the rest followed as a chain reaction. Lynwood Avenue then donated the cereal to Island Harvest.
Meanwhile, Merrimac Elementary School set up its domino maze throughout the halls of the building. Students and staff collected a total of 433 boxes to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House and the Lighthouse Mission.
The cereal box domino mazes symbolized how easily kindness can be spread from one person to the next. Both events aligned with P.S. I Love You Day celebrations.
Click here to view the Lynwood photo slideshow.
Click here to view the Merrimac photo slideshow.
Date Added: 2/26/2024