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Board of Education Reorganizes for 2022-23 School Year

College of pictures from the BOE meeting thumbnail223302

The Sachem Central School District Board of Education held its annual organizational meeting on July 6 in preparation for the 2022-23 academic year.

District Clerk Allison Florio swore in new board member Meredith Volpe and re-elected trustee Alex Piccirillo. Both were elected by voters in May and will serve three-year terms, along with Laura Slattery, who will be sworn in at a later date.

Additionally, board members Robert Scavo and Sabrina Pitkewicz were elected to serve as the board’s president and vice president, respectively. Dr. Christopher Pellettieri took the oath as superintendent of schools.

The board looks forward to another successful school year and the district congratulates its newest trustees.

Date Added: 7/7/2022