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Today is Friday, February 14th , 2025 Day 97, A

  • Students must wear ID’s daily and have them visible.

  • Breakfast is available to purchase.  You must have a breakfast pass to attend.

  • Lost and found is located in the cafeteria.  Any items not collected will be donated at the end of the month.

  • Attention all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Baseball players: Sachem North Baseball is offering a middle school clinic on 4 Sundays in March from 9-11 AM. Don’t miss out! See coach Gambino in room 344 for a registration form!

  • 8th grade Cruise around NYC is May 20th. Join the google classroom code at 4764vuw. Payment due by April 4th.  Any questions see Ms. Fort.

  • The journalism club will meet on February 25th after school in room 345. Please check the google classroom for more information about this months meeting.

  • Today the Honor Society will be selling Philly Pretzel Factory heart shaped pretzels during every lunch period!

  • During lunch periods today, stop by our photo booth to celebrate kindness and compassion! Snap fun pictures with creative props like heart-shaped sunglasses and uplifting speech bubbles. Let’s spread positivity- one smile at a time!

  • Mrs. Bennet’s lessons are cancelled today and after school!

  • Please check the Canine Companions google classroom for an important survey.

  • Attention Harry Potter Club members: Look out for our club password. Check our google classroom- have a great vacation!

  • Today during lunch periods 4 through 7 the library will be hosting coding activities using mBots. If you would like to participate, please stop by the library some time on Monday to sign up with Mrs. Lawler. Space is limited to the first 20 students. Please make sure that you are able to attend both of the days. Thank you!