NEW! - Attention June 2025 Graduates -NEW!

The window to order your graduation cap & gown will be open from January 6th to March 14th. This is the ONLY option to purchase your cap & gown. Click HERE to order Cap & Gown.
Attention Potential January Graduates:
In January, you will receive an invitation to attend our informal graduation reception to be held on Tuesday morning, February 4th @ 11:00 am in the Little Theater. A list of potential mid-year graduates has been posted in several locations throughout the building. You will be responsible for checking the spelling of your name on this list as this is the name that will appear on your diploma. Pay special attention to the spelling of middle names, hyphenated names and spacing. Make sure you show up for all your exams and take care of all your fines. If you have any questions regarding our February reception or changes to your name, please see Mr. Burke in B112 immediately.
Attention June 2025 Graduates:
Sachem High School North's Commencement will be held Thursday, June 26th 2025 at 5:00 pm.
If you have not yet had your Senior photo taken, please contact Jo Art Studios directly at 589-6180 to make an appointment asap.
Diploma Name information cards were distributed for completion by the students during English classes the second week of school. Please be aware of the correct spelling of middle names and correct spacing of last names.
Check this website periodically for Commencement updates throughout the year! Any questions regarding graduation can be directed to Mr. Burke’s office at 471-1400, ext. 5525.