Chippewa Nurse : Jessica Zeffiro RN
(631) 696-8640 Ext-1708
Fax # (631) 696-8645
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It is my absolute pleasure to be caring for the students here at Chippewa Elementary School and I wanted to share this page and important school health information and requirements with all my Chippewa families in order for us to work together to keep our kids safe, healthy and cared for while they are in our care.
All students in K, 1st, 3rd & 5th grades & NEW ENTRANTS are required by NYS law to have a physical examination submitted to school. The physical needs to be within a calendar year from the start date of school for that year. Please submit their physical to the nurse no later than October 15th. If I do not receive their physical, your child will see our school MD. For your convenience, I have included a link with the NYS Required Physical Form.
Per NYS law, ALL students must have all immunizations required by NYS in order to start/attend school. Please see the NYS Immunization Requirements link which I provided in both English & Spanish as a guide.
Students in 5th grade will be required to have a Tdap booster (Tetanus & Diphtheria) on or shortly after their 11th birthday. This is a mandatory vaccine for 6th grade.
If your child requires ANY medication while in school, please have your child’s physician fill out the provided “Permission to Administer Single Medication” form as a hospital order. The form also requires the parent/guardian signature. In elementary school. Children are NOT permitted to self-carry/ self-administer medication, so please make sure that an adult is dropping off the medication and forms directly to me.
Students in K, 1st, 3rd & 5th grades & NEW ENTRANTS, are required to have hearing and vision (distance and near point) screenings, if that was not completed by their physician during their required physicals, we will be holding those screenings here at school.
Scoliosis: all 5th grade girls need to be screened for scoliosis. If their physician did not screen them during their physical exam, we will be doing their scoliosis screenings here.